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TSLOTS Authorized Distributor

We have partnered with TSLOTS by Bonnell Aluminum, ensuring a direct source for our aluminum supply from the extruder. This guarantees a robust aluminum inventory with superior quality and a flexible range of products. We provide customized aluminum extrusions with various color and anodized finishes, eliminating the need for painting your products.

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Value Added TSLOTS Distributor

As the authorized distributor of TSLOTS aluminum in Canada, Proax provides extensive stock with comprehensive design, build, and value-added services. Our in-stock aluminum extrusions,panels, brackets, gussets, plates, brackets, gussets, plates, fasteners and hardware can be shipped on the same day within Canada. Our aluminum products can be found in our warehouse locations in Mississauga, Montreal, Windsor, Vancouver, and Halifax.

Locations in Canada
Years of Experience

Support & Knowledgebase

Ready to explore our comprehensive range of TSLOTS Aluminum extrusions, panels, brackets, gussets, and plates? Our team of knowledgeable and experienced professionals is here to assist you in selecting the perfect components to meet your specific needs.