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Privacy Policy

Proax Technologies strives to protect and respect the personal information of its customers, employees, business partners, etc. in accordance with all applicable regional and federal laws. Each staff member of Proax Technologies must abide by this organization's procedures and practices when handling personal information.

This Privacy Policy informs everyone of Proax Technologies' commitment to privacy and establishes the methods by which privacy is ensured. This Website Privacy Policy applies to all personal information within Proax Technologies' possession and control.


Personal information is defined as any identifying information about an individual or group of individuals, including name, date of birth, address, phone number, e-mail address, social insurance/security number, nationality, gender, health history, financial data, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, assets, debts, liabilities, payment records, credit records, loan records, opinions, and personal views.


  • Proax Technologies collects and uses personal information solely for the purpose of conducting business and developing an understanding of its customers. Proax Technologies hereby asserts that personal information will only be used for the Marketing purposes:
  • Proax Technologies assumes full accountability for the personal information within its possession and control.
  • Under no circumstances will Proax Technologies sell, distribute, or otherwise disclose personal information or contact lists to third parties. However, limited disclosure may be required as part of Proax Technologies fulfilling its stated business duties and day-to-day operations.
  • Proax Technologies will retain personal information only for the duration it is needed for conducting business.
  • Access to personal information will be authorized only for the employees and other agents of Proax Technologies who require the information to perform their job duties, and to those otherwise authorized by law.
  • Proax Technologies' computer and network systems are secured by complex passwords. Only authorized individuals may access secure systems and databases.
  • Routers and servers connected to the Internet are protected by a firewall, and are further protected by virus attacks or "snooping" by sufficient software solutions.